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Pancake Recipe! Animal-Based, Grain-Free, WAPF


These pancakes are so good! Grain-free, if you would like them to be, and full of real nutrition.

As opposed to conventional pancakes, made with food-like fillers that keep you hungry, inflamed, and wanting more,

These pancakes will fill you up, sustain your energy, and feel like you're eating a sweet treat - to please adults and kiddos both.

Organic Coconut Flour

Regenerative Eggs

Raw Grass Fed Milk

Organic Cream Cheese

Maple Syrup

Grass Fed Ghee & Butter

Gray Salt

All of these ingredients are REAL foods that give your body deep nutrition.

After playing around with this recipe for over a decade, I've come up with a delicious version of Sally Fallon's Crispy Pancakes in her Nourishing Traditions cookbook.

I don't use a formal recipe, because I like to keep things loose and fun in the kitchen, making each time I make pancakes, or anything else, somewhat new and exciting, and open for new creative riffs.

But this is roughly what I use. I taste for flavor before cooking, so I know the sweetness comes though, and the texture is going to be good - early versions of this pancake (maybe you know this too from your experiments) were very dry and grainy. Not with this version!

Animal-Based Pancakes

Servings: 12 pancakes

2/3c Organic Coconut Flour

(1/8c Organic Einkorn Flour) - Optional - See NOTE

4 Copia Eggs

1/3c. Organic Cream Cheese

1/3c. Copia Raw Milk

1/4c Maple Syrup - to taste

big pinch of Gray Salt

Grass Fed Ghee

Lots of Butter, Maple Syurp, and Berries to top

1. Start by adding the coconut flour, salt (and flour, if using) to a bowl.

2. Add eggs, cream cheese, and maple syrup, and mix. Use a fork to break up the cream cheese. Don't mix it all the way - you'll have moist, creamy cheese bits in the pancakes - absolutely delish!

3. Add the milk. Careful when adding the milk - this regulates the thickness. Go slow, stir, and see where you're at. I like keeping the batter on the thick side. It'll pour out of the bowl, but keeps in a pancake form when adding to the pan.

4. Heat a good skillet with low-medium heat. Add a generous amount of ghee to the pan.

When the ghee is warmed, and if you flick a drop of water from your fingertips into the pan it sizzles just a bit, you're ready to add the batter. I make 4 pancakes per pan.

Regularly move the pan around in a circle over the fire, so that you get even cooking.

Keep an eye on them! The pancakes won't take long to cook.

How to know when to flip?

Get your spatula and try to gently slide it under a pancake. If you're able to slip the spatula under, you're ready to flip.

Flip the pancake away from your body so you don't get any ghee on your clothing.

5. Make enough for your family and friends! If you're cooking for several folks, keep pancakes in the oven on the lowest setting, so they stay warm.

This recipe keeps great in the fridge. Feel free to double the recipe for more pancake breakfasts. Kids absolutely love them, again, you can adjust the sweetness to whatever you're comfortable with.

I like to add sliced bananas to the batter too!


NOTE: sometimes I use the einkorn flour, sometimes not. If you have eliminated flour from your diet, it's worth making these treats, because they are great regardless of the little bit of flour.

If wheat doesn't bother your system, add the flour. It makes the pancake much more like a normal pancake.

Einkorn flour is made from Einkorn wheat berries. This is an ancient wheat variety that is easier to digest because of it's lower gluten content.

Make sure to always use organic wheat products because wheat is notoriously sprayed with Roundup at the time of harvest -- and it does not get washed off.

If you do all coconut flour the texture of the finished pancakes is a little noticeable and the taste is much more "healthy".

We vote three times a day; we create tomorrow's food system and landscape with every bite we eat - Joel Salatin

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