How it Works:
The Herdshare is an easy way to access incredibly beneficial raw milk brimming with nutrients. You simply pay a one-time buy-in of $100 to become part owner of one of our cows. Each gallon of milk costs a $14 maintenance fee. There is no annual renewal ; once you're in, you're in!
We are open 365 days a year, 9am-9pm (Spring/Summer) 9am-7pm (Fall/Winter). There is no subscription obligation; you simply pick up milk when it is convenient for you.
Real Raw Milk production from our clean, artisanal herd is somewhat subject to fluctuations in milk production/availability due to lactation cycles, etc. Sometimes milk is very plentiful, sometimes it is less so; we use email to contact all of our herdshare members if milk is ever out of stock.
Your First Milk Pickup:
To complete your herdshare signup, there is one simple form to sign. That form is at the checkout counter in our store. Please fill it out and slip it in the red box on the wall.
As a bonus, during Spring-Summer-Fall, we will offer tours of our beautiful cows, pastures, and milking parlor. You'll even get to see the girls getting milked! Kids are welcome! Please let us know if you would like us to add you to our tour invitation list:
Your Raw Milk Cows:
Copia cows are heritage breeds with easy-to-digest (A2/A2) milk. We graze them on grass every day of the year and give them a lot of love.
They spend relaxing days outside or nestled up with soft straw when it's cold outside. You will taste the amazing quality and sweetness of the milk with a fresh, clean taste.
We also are 100% committed to only stocking safe, clean milk, which we regularly test for safety and cleanliness.
To give thanks, we give the girls a tiny amount of certified organic grain at milking time, once per day. Their pastures have never been sprayed and are full of organic matter.
When you meet them, you'll see the cows are sweet, beautiful gals that are a joy to be around!
This is Silver Belle: